Response to Intervention (RTI)
Common Intervention Time
Each grade level in grades K - 5 will have daily 30-minute blocks during the week in which interventions will be delivered to all students. Students in grades K-5 will be working on literacy goals. All teachers will work in Professional Learning Communities before each RTI cycle begins using various sources of data to set specific goals for students to work towards during the common intervention time. Teachers will use research-based interventions (teaching strategies or methods that have been proven effective for helping children learn) to support students in areas of identified need. Students will either receive intense intervention strategies or enrichment lessons during this common intervention time.
Universal Screener
We will be using i-Ready as our Universal Screener. i-Ready resources may be used during RTI small group instruction. Grades 2-5 will fully implement the Standards Mastery reading assessments in i-Ready during the 2018-19 school year.